Access and Order Picking Platforms - Page 2

Prolift Handling is an official distribution partner for FARAONE products in Ireland. FARAONE is a leading manufacturer of ladders, scaffolds, Aerial Platforms and Picking Machines.  We offer Elevah series from Faraone, which are mainly MEWPs(Mobile Elevating Work Platforms).  These aerial platforms provide an excellent solution for industries where you need to work at height safely and efficiently. These work platforms can be used in a wide range of applications, from construction and maintenance to events and entertainment. The range includes both push-around and self-propelled models, with various configurations to suit different tasks and environments.

The Elevah series by Faraone offers a wide range of aerial platforms and compact picking machines that allow you to work up to a height of 8 m, doubling the level of safety and ergonomics and halving the time, effort and production costs. Elevah aerial platforms allow you to perform maintenance whereas the picking machines are intended to pick-up material.

The models shown below differ in terms of the maximum working height that can be reached, the capacity and other characteristics that make them particularly suitable for certain situations.


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